
A Family Together

Before connecting with OHB’s Supportive Housing Program, Damon bounced around from house to house never really having a place to call home. He had a substance abuse problem that led to issues with gaining and maintaining employment. Damon says he was evicted at least four times since moving out on his own at the age of 17. Read More

From Surviving to Thriving: Monae’s Story

When you’re not sure where you’re going to lay your head at night or where your next meal might come from, it’s impossible to concentrate on anything but surviving day to day. Setting goals and thinking about the future is out of the question. Read More

Grazed to Life: DiVante’s Story

It started with the death of his beloved grandmother. Then came the anger and resentment that developed into aggressive outbursts. Shards of glass from shattered windows and broken TVs served as visible reminders of his growing rage. Read More

I’ve Got This: Mahalia’s Story

To say that 19-year-old Mahalia’s life has been full of disappointment would be quite an understatement. Let down by her parents she found herself living in a less than ideal situation. At a time in her life when a solid support system and a positive mentor were critical to her development, there were none. All of this led Mahalia to have extremely low self-worth. She describes her life at the time as broken, reckless and ending. Read More

From Truancy to Triumph: Gabe’s Story

It wasn’t long ago that on a typical school day when sixteen-year-old Gabe should have been in class studying he was nowhere to be found. In fact, there were times when his teachers wouldn’t see him for two or three weeks at a time. Gabe’s truancy landed him on probation but that didn’t faze the reckless teenager who missed more than 100 school days his sophomore year. Read More

A Mentor to Others: Changpiny’s Story

A few words commonly used to describe eighteen-year-old Changpiny include responsible, hardworking and encouraging. While these attributes are what define Changpiny today, they are a far cry from the characteristics of the young man who came to Omaha Home for Boys in the summer of 2018. Read More