
The Chat – Who fills your bucket?

Straight from the desk of Kelsey Ridder, Chief Development Officer at OHB

Who fills your bucket?

Kelsey Ridder, Chief Development Officer

What brings you happiness, contentment and joy? My bucket was recently filled to the brim – maybe even overflowing – when we hosted volunteers for a meal preparation project.

Volunteers gathered in our dining hall and prepared easy freezer meals for young adults and families in several of our programs. Everyone was helping eagerly, having fun and really putting their hearts and hands to work. I am so thankful for everyone who gave us their time and just keep picturing one of our young families sitting down to enjoy one of the meals we prepared together.

Today, I challenge you to think about the ways in which you could help the youth and families here at OHB and how it would fill your bucket. There are lots of ways to help whether you’re near or far.

If you’re in our neighborhood, you could volunteer, attend one of our fundraising events or host a drive to collect critically needed items, like clothing and hygiene essentials, for our youth. Each of these ways to offer your support right here in our community is so impactful and is sure to feed your spirit.

If you’re one of our friends from another corner of the U.S. who can’t visit our campus in person, filling your bucket might look a little different. You could get involved in our online conversations on social media to help spread the word about our mission or share this newsletter with someone. We also host a couple of drives online so that you can easily and conveniently send special gifts and essentials to our youth. Watch for our Back to School Supply Drive in August and Project Christmas Joy in November.

Now…what will you do to fill your bucket today?

Let’s chat! I can be reached at 402-457-7014 or at kridder@ohb.org


P.S. Here are some photos of volunteers preparing freezer meals for our youth and families. Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.840538611445494&type=3