Inspiration Hill Residential Living
The Inspiration Hill Residential Living Program includes Group Home A services as well as our Crisis Stabilization Program. Residential Living is focused on providing a safe, stable environment where youth live, learn and grow to become productive, independent adults. The program serves high school age youth who live on our main campus and attend the OHB School while also having access to therapy, employment opportunities, recreation and other support services.
The Residential Living Program utilizes a behaviorally-based curriculum to equip youth with positive skills and the ability to make sound decisions when confronted with difficult choices. The program is designed to help teens learn life skills, develop positive behaviors and advance academically.
Campus Living
Creating a safe, secure, healthy environment is at the heart of the Residential Living Program. Youth live with their peers in homes on our main campus. Youth Advocates create a consistent and structured home environment while acting as positive role models and mentors for the youth in their care.
Educational Opportunities
All of OHB’s residential living youth have the opportunity to attend the OHB School on our main campus. Students focus on credit recovery and accrual while working toward the goal of meeting grade-level expectations at the completion of the program. The school also assists with college planning and financial aid and offers scholarships to eligible students.
The Residential Living Program uses the BELIEF therapy program to combat the prevalent and pervasive impact of trauma on the lives of our youth. BELIEF is a 12-week program that provides both individual and group therapy as well as staff education and consultation.
Support Services
The Residential Living Program takes a comprehensive approach to help youth thrive by offering a number of support services. Our Youth Employment Program teaches workforce readiness skills; the Wellness Program focuses on nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices and physical activity; and participation in 4-H allows youth to practice responsibility, develop a strong work ethic and gain self-confidence.

Youth in our Residential Living Program must be court-ordered for admissions. The Residential Living Team will schedule an interview and campus tour with the legal guardian or placing agency when applicable. Prior to admission, a reunification or step-down plan for the youth and legal guardians will be established.
- Court involvement and court-ordered to attend OHB
- A psychological evaluation from the past year, including an IQ score
- Additional documentation may be requested
Application Process
- The Residential Living Team will schedule an interview and campus tour with the legal guardian or placing agency when applicable.
- If a youth is accepted into the program, additional documentation is required prior to intake. This will be followed by developing a treatment/reunification program for the youth and guardians.
Jesse Cardenas
Senior Director of Residential Living
4343 N. 52nd St.
Omaha, NE 68104