Employee Spotlight: Meet Adrian
We’re shining our employee spotlight on Adrian, a Lead Youth Advocate who has been here at OHB for nine years.

OHB Strong
Tell us a bit about your work here at OHB. What’s a typical day like for you?
I’m a Lead Youth Advocate. I work overnight so a typical night consists of checking in the youth at curfew time and assisting them with trainings, volunteer hours, or any issues they may have. Sometimes they just want to visit. I also dispense and count medications and sometimes I may have to transport a youth to or from work. Otherwise, I monitor cameras and make rounds of the two cottages to make sure everything runs smoothly. I also assist the other programs overnight if they need it.
What do you enjoy most about working at OHB? What keeps you motivated/excited?
I enjoy working with the youth. My motivation is to see them do better.
Of what are you most proud during your time at OHB?
Positively impacting the youth that I have come across all these years.
All about you…
Who was your most significant influence or mentor as a child?
My mother. She’s the reason I am who I am today.
What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment (personal or professional)?
Raising a beautiful daughter. She will be 20 years old on March 25th.
What is a quote, mantra or affirmation you live by?
Get busy living or get busy dying. It’s a line from one of my favorite movies “The Shawshank Redemption”.
If you could…
If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
My brother. He passed away in 2011 and I’d love to just have one more conversation with him and to show him my growth as a person.
If you had a year off, with pay, what would you do?
Travel the world.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Rome, Italy to see the Colosseum and all the other sights
Tell us about…
Your favorite holiday
Christmas – I like the lights and Christmas trees
Your favorite thing to do in Omaha
I like to try new restaurants every weekend.
Your favorite restaurant in Omaha
Longhorn Steakhouse
This or That
Beaches or mountains?
Taco Tuesdays or Sushi Saturdays?
Taco Tuesdays
While walking: Music or Podcasts?
Dog or cat?
Rich friend or loyal friend?
Loyal friend
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