2022 Impact Report
Thank you for helping us transform lives and strengthen communities in 2022! By working together, we aided more than 1,000 youth, young adults, children and families as they worked to become independent, productive members of our community.
As is typical of any impact report, you will see numbers and statistics that measure our performance and highlight the accomplishments you helped us achieve. All of these achievements are certainly notable and ones to be celebrated with all of you, but what I really hope you find most valuable about this year’s report is meeting the young adults and families you helped through your generous support.
As we look back at 2022 and the lives that were transformed, I want to extend our sincerest thanks to you, our loyal supporters, for making this past year’s achievements possible. You truly changed the lives of the youth you’ll meet within our 2022 Impact Report and the hundreds more who walked through our doors. Thank you for helping each and every one of them!
I invite you to view the full report here: 2022 Impact Report
If you have any questions, please call me at 402.457.7040 or email me at jdewispelare@ohb.org.
I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead and invite you to join us in making the most of them.
With gratitude,

Jeff DeWispelare
President & CEO