The Chat – The Power of Collective Giving

Straight from the desk of Kelsey Ridder, Chief Development Officer at OHB

In our fast-paced world, do you ever feel like your individual contributions might not make much of a difference? Well, I’m here to encourage you to erase that doubt, because every gift – no matter the size – makes an important difference here at OHB.
Just imagine a single drop of water. On its own, it might seem insignificant, but when combined with thousands of others, it can form a powerful river capable of shaping landscapes. The same principle applies to charitable giving. Each contribution, large or small, adds up to create substantial resources that can truly transform lives – just look at the stories shared in this newsletter for evidence!
It’s the power of everyone coming together with a shared purpose that propels us forward. This is why today, I’m encouraging you to spread the spirit of giving. Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about the causes you care about. Share your passion and inspire others to contribute. When more people join the cause, our collective efforts amplify, creating a wave of support that can achieve incredible results – and you can be the person who starts it all.
Let’s chat! I’d love to discuss how you can support the youth and families here at OHB, whether through an immediate gift or more long-term planning. You can reach me at: