
Redefining Success

Often when we share about the successes at our OHB School, we’re relaying how many school credits our students have earned, how much their grades have improved, or the strides they have made in reading and math, but it’s not always within the grade books or the test scores that you find the most impactful changes…

Seventeen-year-old Jordan was struggling in public school. It wasn’t so much that he was having trouble academically, it was more that his negative behaviors were getting in the way of his success. He had many altercations with other students at school and always found himself trying to steer clear of certain peers in order to avoid a confrontation.

“It was a lot of pressure for me going to school knowing that I had to watch my back all the time,” said Jordan.

Jordan’s school attendance suffered greatly because of this. Some days he would go to school but not even go to class. Other days he wouldn’t even go to school at all. There were times he didn’t see the inside of a classroom for weeks. He failed all of his classes in his freshman year of high school, and eventually he was court ordered to enroll in OHB’s Residential Living Program where he attended our OHB School. As it turns out, old habits don’t die easily.

“There were days when Jordan first came to us that I wasn’t sure if we were going to make it or not,” shared Education Director, Carla Andreessen. “But I tell all of my students right away at intake that I’m going to push them harder than they’ve ever been pushed before because I care about them and want the best for them.”

It was the care, support and encouragement of staff at OHB that proved to be exactly what Jordan needed to start making changes in his life. He grew to trust the teachers at the OHB School and Youth Advocates in his cottage. He began to show progress in changing his negative behaviors. He became less impulsive and more accountable for his actions. He also learned how to accept feedback without reacting negatively.

In recognition of his hard work and dedication in the classroom and also at his OHB Farm Crew job, Jordan was awarded the 2024 Residential Program Participant of the Year Award.

“Now I slow down and think before I act,” said Jordan. “I know I can use this skill in the public, in college, or at work or with family down the road.”

On the cusp of completing the Residential Living Program and with just six classes left to complete in order to graduate from high school, Jordan is setting his sights on college. He hopes to one day pursue a degree in business or geology.

Jordan’s journey to transform his life hasn’t been an easy one, but he’s really proud of how far he’s come. He also knows he didn’t get this far alone.

“Going through this program and out of this program too, my family gets me through everything,” said Jordan. “They keep me pushing. I go through hard moments and they’re still there for me.”

While Jordan certainly made great strides academically at our OHB School, he is living proof that the true measure of success extends beyond test scores and grade point averages. His journey of personal growth and character development are triumphs that transcend the classroom. These are the lifelong skills that define real success and have prepared Jordan for a brighter future.

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