OHB Scholarship
Our Commitment
OHB is committed to helping every youth reach their full academic and career potential. Thanks to many generous friends of OHB, we have a robust scholarship program that allows eligible youth to receive financial assistance towards advancing their education or career.
OHB Scholarships assist with college, trade school, certificate programs, room and board, computers, supplies, tools, meal plans, parking permits, and more. Scholarships allow youth to advance their education or career without accumulating large debt.
In addition to providing financial support, the scholarship program provides an avenue to stay connected with our youth and support them with enrollment, registration, completion of financial aid documents and occasional texts, phone calls and emails throughout their college experience.
Applicant Criteria
- Participation in one of OHB’s programs
- Must have a high school diploma or equivalent (G.E.D.) or be enrolled in dual credit courses
- Cannot be a relative of a current OHB employee or Board Member
Required for Scholarship Consideration
- Scholarship application, including essay
- Scholarship agreement
- Letter of reference from an OHB staff member
- Provide proof of FAFSA application (either confirmed or denied), if applicable
- An additional essay is required if the applicant did not successfully complete one of OHB’s programs
For more information contact:
Residential Living
Jesse Cardenas
Transitional Living
Jordan Ramsey
Independent Living
Brittney Rodriguez
Mail completed applications to:
Omaha Home for Boys
ATT: Scholarship Committee
4343 N. 52nd Street
Omaha, NE 68104