Sponsorship Opportunities
OHB Golf Classic sponsorships are a great way to showcase your
business while also supporting the youth and families at OHB.
All Sponsorships Include:
- All-in-One Band Package (5 mulligans per team, 5 raffle tickets per team, move up hole, pick your pin)
- Recognition at the banquet
- Sponsorship signage
- Name/logo recognition on OHB.org event landing page
Industry Exclusive Presenting Sponsor
- Three golf foursomes
- Information table on a hole
- Social media recognition
- Logo on all digital media event promotion
- Premier logo placement on OHB.org event landing page
- Logo on post-event thank you letter
- Logo on golf cart and pin prize signs
Exclusive Photo Experience Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Information table on a hole
- Logo on all photos from the photo booth experience
Exclusive Air Cannon Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Signage with company logo on air cannon hole
- Information table and company tent at air cannon hole
COURTESY CART (1) – $2,100
Exclusive Courtesy Cart Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Signage with company logo on all courtesy carts
- Information table on a hole
DRIVING RANGE (1) – $1,600 – SOLD!
Exclusive Driving Range Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Signage with company logo at the driving range
- Information table on a hole
PUTTING GREEN (1) – $1,600 – SOLD!
Exclusive Putting Green Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Information table on a hole
- Signage with company logo at the putting green
BEVERAGE CART (3) – $1,600
Beverage Cart Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Signage with company logo on all beverage carts
- Information table on a hole
REGISTRATION (1) – $1,600
Exclusive Registration Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Signage with company logo at the registration table
- Information table on a hole
DRINK TICKET (2) – $1,600
Drink Ticket Sponsor
- One golf foursome
- Information table on a hole
- Your logo on drink tickets for every golfer
- Signage with company logo
EAGLE – $1,100
- One golf foursome
- Teebox sponsorship signage
BIRDIE – $500
- Teebox sponsorship signage
For more information on sponsorships, registration, volunteering or pin
prizes, contact Kelsey Ridder at kridder@ohb.org or 402.457.7014