Employee Spotlight: Meet Skylar
This month we’re shining our employee spotlight on Skylar, the Reporting Specialist in our Day & Evening Reporting Program. Skylar celebrated her one year anniversary at OHB in June.

OHB Strong
Tell us a bit about your work here at OHB. What’s a typical day like for you?
A typical day for me involves completing reports and any other paperwork, handling intakes, and spending time with our youth and amazing Youth Advocates.
What keeps you motivated and excited to work at OHB?
I am motivated by my peers and the youth we work with. I am surrounded by coworkers that are incredibly hardworking and motivate me to be better every day. The youth we get to work with inspire me to live life day by day and to be positive on the day’s life feels challenging.
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the swings. I love going on walks with youth to the swings and use this as a safe space to let them decompress.
All about you…
What is your most treasured memory?
My most treasured memory is spending weekends in the summer at my old cabin with my dad. I say cabin loosely! It was more like a glorified shed on the river, but it is a place I hold close to my heart.
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always envisioned myself as a special education teacher, but I fell in love with psychology when I reached high school.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
I love live music. I was lucky to grow up going to concerts with my dad from an early age and have always been surrounded by music. Unfortunately, none of this talent rubbed off on me!
If you could…
If you had a year off, with pay, what would you do?
This is a hard one. I think I would travel to somewhere on the beach and work at a local restaurant or volunteer for fun.
If you could master one skill you don’t currently have, what would it be?
If I could master any skill, it would be cooking. I have “mastered” about five dishes and have always wished I could be a person who is an amazing cook.
If you could acquire any super power, what would it be?
Easy. I would choose to fly and would never drive again.
If you joined the circus, where would we find you?
If I joined the circus, you would find me on the trapeze. I was a gymnast as a little kid and have always been amazed by performer’s ability to fly through the air.
Tell us about…
Your favorite holiday
Halloween has always been and will always be my favorite holiday. I love horror/thriller movies and dressing up.
The song that always puts in you in the mood to dance
Come on Eileen
The thing that always annoys you
Listening to people chew. I have to leave the room.
This or That
Phone call or text?
phone call
Taco Tuesdays or Sushi Saturdays
Sushi Saturdays
Cardio or weights?
Ice cream or snow cone?
snow cone
Swimming or sunbathing?
Want to work alongside Skylar at OHB?
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