Employee Spotlight: Meet Carla
This month we’re shining our employee spotlight on Carla, our Education Manager at our OHB School. Carla has been here at OHB since April 2022.

OHB Strong
What do you enjoy most about working at OHB?
Working with the youth is my favorite part of each day. Seeing them achieve what they thought that they couldn’t do, excites me. For many, this is the first time they are seeing success in school. I love being a part of that!
There are many nonprofits in Omaha, why do you choose to serve here at OHB?
Early on in my career I worked at OHB part-time as a math tutor. I fell in love with OHB then and when the opportunity arose to be here full time, I happily accepted. I believe in helping youth and giving them that second chance to become better.
Of what are you most proud during your time at OHB?

Our youth are working really hard and earning credits. In October, students earned more credits that month than any other month in 2022.
All about you…
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’m not sure but I do remember in about 3rd grade I wanted to be a teacher.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time?
In the summer I do a lot of gardening.
What was your first job?
I babysat until I turned 16 and then worked at Burger King.

If you could…
If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would have lunch with my dad who has passed. I have so much to share with him.
If you had a year off, with pay, what would you do?
Travel the world
If you could master one skill you don’t currently have, what would it be and why?
I have been working on having grace. I tend to carry things with me longer than necessary and it’s something I need to improve on.
Tell us about…
Your favorite holiday
Your #1 guilty pleasure
Hallmark or Lifetime movies (only occasionally)
Your absolute perfect day
Being with family and laughter
This or That
Taco Tuesdays or Sushi Saturdays?
Taco Tuesdays
Beaches or Mountains?
Dog or Cat?
Big Party or Small Gathering?
Small gathering
Netflix or YouTube?
Want to work alongside Carla at OHB?
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